Jul 30, 2008

no title.

a snap of the fingers in the face of time brought the clocks to a halt brought the hour to its end brought the village bells toll an the flags at half mast they're a waving off his personal life I proclaim to know nothing. an unconscious comparison will sleep in my mind between the following ones an their daughters and sons with politics having nothing to do with it, an unconscious comparison now sleeps in my mind please if your not sure pray not for death on what you hear-- skills are cheap an men are mortal an the hills are steep for men who’re mortal an skills are cheap you curse fast when the odds are good an run your tongue as a dagger blade into the soul that needs no wound, rap RAP rap upon my door I skipped a rock across a pond an watched the water ripple once an the stone sank fast ... much too fast for such an arm as strong as mine heehaw haw aww man.

1 comment:

Mike Viglione said...

dude this has the dankest natural rhythm when I read it... dank