Apr 10, 2008

Good load = Jag

Jag=a period of unrestrained indulgence in an activity; Synonymous with top loading. Although I fear what this may lead to, I must say:

On this glorious day I propose you accost yourself to exploit the use of your abutting thesaurus that unequivocally does not exist. Because I all to often find myself wondering the precise meaning of a word I feel may have been misused I often reference dictionary.com. While searching through the thesaurus earlier today in search of finding a unique word for my business name I stumbled upon the most ridiculous synonym i have ever layed eyes on. I will grace you with a sentence using its undeniable uniqueness. - Throughout highschool it seems that it is the duty of all young men to sow one's wild oats before they retire their highschool career.- Sow ones wild oats...wow, thats great. I cant believe that it is legitimate enough to be on dictionary.com .

Let me know if you find a sweet short word for a potential company name.

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