Mar 11, 2008

Simple Pleasures

I was having a conversation recently about pet peeves earlier and it sparked the question; what are those simple pleasures I really enjoy?

There are a few really interesting things that I came up with that which I find to be extraordinarily satisfying. One I keep coming back to is the joy it brings me when I possess a fresh highlighter. The satisfaction it brings me gliding across the page unimpeded is almost laughable... but when it begins to dwindle in its effectiveness it irks me to no end. For me it seems this is one of the very few actions that can traverse the spectrum from pleasure to annoyance so swiftly..

I'll be trying to thing of others as I continue to write a term paper on genocide, and I'd be interested to see what you guys find enjoyable or frustrating as well. I will also post my law term paper on here, which I am proud to say I scored a 99% on.

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