Feb 10, 2008


I've been offered the chance to attend a political leadership seminar in prepartion for a possible internship opportunity. The program is called Gamailiel National Leadership Training, which is run through the Gamaliel foundation a faith based Political Organization. The goals of the organization are still unclear to me, but I've been told the internship itself is a great opportunity. The idea of faith based political activity is somewhat unappealing, even though I'm sure the causes are noble. It seems to me labeling myself in this way could possibly be detrimental. Community outreach itself seems mildly interesting as does "organization building." The emphasis of the actual internship is still unclear. I'm leaning towards not going to the leadership seminar itself because, it would require missing a week of school. The internship is paid which is a nice incentive, and has locations throughout the world including: London, Cape Town, Chicago, New York, Portland, San Diego as well as others. I'm still really reluctant to commit. Honestly, I think I'd rather still be a pawn at a law firm or some lowly employee of a bank. I don't really think I'm cut out for political causes no matter how noble they are, hopefully I'll have the opportunity to work on a more substantive area within the foundation. Obviously financial or legal departments would be intriguing. We'll have to see. Check out and give me your opinion.

http://www.mosesmi.org/index_files/Page1008.htm - for information on the seminar itself.

http://www.gamaliel.org/default.htm - Gamaliel foundation's homepage.

I'm still actively searching for other opportunities and writing a resume. The resume is pathetic. Maybe that will change.

1 comment:

cend_it. said...

ok ok. Let me see if this brief recovery period will server satisfactory enough for me to let out some words of any worth. I believe it began something like "Whoa, gnarly dude..." haha. I dont think its possible for me to overcome the seemingly intense faith aspect to this organization. I think that the best thing to do would be to gather information/knowledge from this organization from a distance. Then if you feel that it is worth diving into you can penetrate deeper into its glory..hole. However, as we discussed earlier you are interested in a variety of different job markets. So since it seems that you're a bit uneasy about getting into a politically based job you should search potential opportunities in your other interests. I would dabble around get your pussy/feet wet all around town, then dive in. Like I said, dont commit yourself fully, I would contact someone already in the group that you can relate to and ask them what they think about it.